short butr i liked it
short butr i liked it
looool leeerooooyyy jenkins
hey lordlobster did not agree to a fucking walrus mutation
y the hell cant i ern experience points somone pm me the answer now for the movie... this isnt bad the animation could b better but all together its pretty good
not bad the slow motion chickin laff was amazing this is good
i have seen some pretty fuckexd up shit since iv joined newgrounds, from egoraptors awesome reach, to oneys leo and satan but this,this has to be the most absolutely positivly fucked up thing i have ever seen in my entire life...... GREAT JOB!!!!!11!!! :D
oh my god i love this
this reminds me of egoraptor for somereason u guys should do a vid together " and if i hear about it i will fucking EAT YOUR LIMBS!!!!!!" hahahahaaa
this shit made cry inspiration
godaman dude i hate feel good stuff but this is very good
hipsters are to mainstream
Age 28, Male
looking for one
Kelvin high school
Joined on 6/8/11